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Writing by the Water

The Hidden Dangers Of An Overwhelmed Mom

It's my turn.....

Hi, I'm Alexandra Lily, and I've been where you are now. Overwhelmed by mom burnout, I struggled with my health, my emotional well-being, and my connection with my child. The stress was not just overwhelming; it was physically and emotionally toxic, leading me to a point where I felt sick, detached, and ready to walk away from it all.

But I learned something crucial on my journey: You're not alone, and it's okay to ask for help.

Understanding the Hidden Dangers of Mom Burnout

Mom burnout is real, and its effects can be profound. It can lead to serious health issues, emotional detachment, and a loss of connection with those we love the most. But recognizing the signs of burnout and taking steps to address them can lead to healing and recovery.

I've decided to share my journey and insights in a comprehensive book, aiming to support moms facing similar struggles. But more than that, I want to build a community where we can share, heal, and grow together.

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Your experiences, your struggles, and your victories matter. By joining our mailing list, you'll be the first to:

  • Receive exclusive access to the book.

  • Participate in workshops and webinars tailored to overcoming mom burnout.

  • Connect with a community of moms who understand and support each other.

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Thanks cant wait to share my book with you!

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